Neighbourhood Plan Review 2023/24


The six-week pre-submission consultation period on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan Review ended on 13th July 2024. Thank you to everyone who provided us with comments, all of which were extremely helpful . The plan has now been modified accordingly

At our Parish Council meeting on Monday 9th September 2024, the Parish Council unanimously approved the NDP Review and authourised for it to be submitted to West Northants Council.

We will keep you updated on progress.

The Barby and Onley Neighbourhood Plan that has been submitted to WNC can be viewed here and key appendices can be viewed here.

A Consultation Statement which sets out who has been consulted, when and how can be viewed here.

The consultation comments from those statuary consultees can be viewed here along with how these comments were considered. Other comments received can be viewed here & here again with information as to how those comments were considered

The Basic Conditions Statement which identifies general conformity with strategic planning policies can be found here.

The Neighbourhood Plan Review process started in January 2023; we held public open events in both Barby & Onley on 18th March 2023. After this we carried out a Survey Monkey to obtain more in depth information as to what the Parish wanted from the review. Details of these event and the analysis of the data from it can be found here.


As you know, the original Parish Neighbourhood Plan was made in 2016. Please see here an overview of the changes that we have made to this original plan.

An overview of the site selection process to determine where new housing could be built in the Parish can be downloaded here.

West Northants Council carried out an SEA/HRA upon our draft plan and concluded that no significant environmental effects will occur as a result of the implementation of the Barby and Onley Review NDP. A copy of their report can be viewed here.

Please find the minutes from our Neighbourhood Plan review team meetings here.

Thank you to everyone that completed our May/June 2024 survey on the draft plan. Please find the analysis of the survey results here.

For any further details on the Neighbourhood Plan Review please email

Thank you for your help and support in the preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan Review for Barby and Onley Parish Council.


Barby & Onley Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plan Made Version 

The purpose of Neighbourhood Planning is to give local people greater ownership of the plans and policies that affect their local area. The intention is to empower local people to take a proactive role in shaping the future of the areas in which they live. Once in place, the plans will comprise the framework for change in that area for the next 10 to 15 years.

A local referendum was held on 29th September 2016 and by a majority of 93% the Plan was approved to be used by Daventry District Council when considering planning decisions in Barby and Onley.

The referendum followed the examination of the plan by an independent examiner (Janet Cheesley) and her final Examination Report. She recommended a number of changes which were incorporated into the final plan. Following this report Daventry District Council considered the report at their Full Council meeting on 28th July and agreed that the plan should proceed to a local referendum.

The independent examiner assessed the plan against the following basic conditions.
  • Must be appropriate having regard to National Policy
  • Must contribute to the achievement of sustainable development
  • Must be in general conformity with the strategic policies in the development plan for the local area
  • Must be compatible with human rights requirements
  • Must be compatible with EU obligations.
Full details of Daventry District Council's formal consultation including the responses received can be found at


Final made version of the 2015-2029 Neighbourhood Plan. Also available are the following documents:

The Steering Group were supported and guided by Kirkwells (town planning and sustainable development consultants) throughout the whole process in producing the Neighbourhood Plan.  The costs of producing this plan were secured from the Community Rights Programme funded by the Department for Communities and Local Government.

Neighbourhood Plan Milestones

Local Referendum - September 2016
The local referendum was held on Thursday 29th September 2016.  Following the referendum Daventry District Council declared that the Neighbourhood Plan was Made.  The results of the Referendum were as follows:
Yes 348 (93%) (in favour of adopting the Neighbourhood Plan)
No 26
Total votes cast 374
211 Votes cast in Barby, 76 Votes cast in Onley and 87 Postal Votes
Total Electorate 1075 (35% turnout)

August 2016
A Progress Report on the Neighbourhood Plan was made available to all residents (published 17th August 2016)

Consideration by Daventry District Council - July 2016
Daventry District Council considered the Examiner's report at their Full Council meeting on 28th July and agreed that the plan should proceed to a local referendum.

Independent Examination - May 2016
An independent examination by Janet Cheesley was undertaken in May 2016 which assessed the plan against the following basic conditions:

  • Must be appropriate having regard to National Policy
  • Must contribute to the achievement of sustainable development
  • Must be in general conformity with the strategic policies in the development plan for the local area
  • Must be compatible with human rights requirements
  • Must be compatible with EU obligations.

Her final Examination Report recommended a number of changes which were then incorporated into the Made Plan. 

January/February 2016

Daventry District Council held a public formal consultation from Monday 11th January 2016 to Friday 26th February 2016.  Full details of Daventry District Council's formal consultation including the responses received can be found at

December 2015

The responses following the local public consultation were considered and incorporated into the Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version and this was approved by the Parish Council at its meeting on 14th December 2015. The Plan has therefore gone forward to Daventry District Council for their consultation and consideration. The following supporting documents are also available:
July to November 2015

Two open meetings were held at Barby Village Hall (10th October 2015) and Onley Village Hall (11th October 2015) at which members of the public attended to collect a hard copy of the Draft July 2015 Plan and comment forms. They discussed various aspects of the plan with the Committee members before completing appropriate comment forms. During the local consultation period over 50 comments were received from 12 consultees. 

October 2014 Parish Survey

Summaries of the results of the survey which took place in October 2014 can be found by downloading the following files:

 March 2014

A second public meeting was held in Barby Village Hall on 10th March when an initial Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group was created and were tasked with creating a Parish Neighbourhood Plan.

January 2014

A very well attended meeting was held in Barby Village Hall on Monday 27th January 2014 when 46 members of the parish were all keen to give their views on how the village should develop over the next 10 – 15 years. List of the ideas which arose from the views expressed.

September 2013

July 2013

A Neighbourhood Plan area definition was agreed by Daventry District Council on 25th July 2013 and this will now form the basis for a Neighbourhood Plan for the Parish under the terms of the Localism Act 2012.

Steering Group Committee Meetings

10th April 2014
19th March 2014 - The first Neighbourhood Plan Sterring Group meetings was held on Wednesday 19th March. The committee comprised: Cllr David Blezard (Chairman), Tina Thornton, Karen Page, Geoff Henson, Dom Fisher and David Finch. Members were asked to concentrate on the issues of Environment, Traffic, Development and Finance. The initial task would be to determine and document the evidence base for each issue. Some of the evidence base is included below.

Evidence Base and Resources

The following resources were also available as sources of information when creating a Barby's Neighbourhood Plan: