Barby and Onley Recent Planning Applications

The Parish Council is consulted on all Planning Applications under consideration and these are updated on a regular basis when new applications are received.

You can access the West Northamptonshire Council website to obtain full details of each planning application by clicking on the Planning Application Number below: Please note that a link is provided if the details of the planning application are available to view on the West Northamptonshire Council website.

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Proposal: Demolition of existing dwellinghouse and ancillary buildings. Construction of 2 x 4-bed dwellinghouses, 1 x 4-bed bungalow, 1 x 3-bed bungalow and vehicular access improvements. Location: Toft Hill 19 Rugby Road Barby CV23 8UB:

It was RESOLVED to object to this application for the following reasons: loss of amenity; size of development; layout; highways issues; does not address the housing needs of the parish; surface water flooding and sewage. It was agreed to query the access to the agricultural land and where the access would be. It was also agreed that the Parish Council would want to request more CIL money for traffic calming measures if the application was approved.

It was RESOLVED to request that the application be called to the Planning Committee to be decided instead of delegated to a planning officer. Cllr Rosie Humphreys agreed to make this request.

i. To receive update on Planning Committee Hearing: Cllr Gorman reported that the application had been approved by the Planning Committee. Cllr Gorman raised concerns with the process and it was agreed that she would write to the person in charge of planning to highlight the concerns and request a meeting. WNC Cllr Rosie Humphreys advised that she would also write to support the request for a meeting.

It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would find out the cost of obtaining legal
advice and it would be on the next agenda. WNC Cllr Humphreys was thanked for her help and support. 

Decision: Approved 4th September 2024

Due to concerns that the Parish Council had with West Northants Council's (WNC) decision to grant planning permission at Toft Hill, Barby (2024/0993/FULL) legal advice was sought.Our legal advisors identified grounds that would support a Judicial Review and asked West Northants Council to consent to judgment in a formal letter before action. Even though WNC agreed that they had made mistakes with regard to their procedures and that they had interpreted planning policy incorrectly, they would not concede to judgement. Consequently, the only option available to the Parish Council was to take court action against them which was considered to be too great a burden upon the Parish's financial resources. 



Creation of an access. Land NW Longdown Lane Barby Rugby CV23 8TG.

It was RESOLVED to object to this application as it was contrary to a number of policies in the Neighbourhood Development Plan. 


Non-material amendment to DA/2013/0071 (Raising of roof to create additional rooms in roof extension to south (rear) elevation and balcony to east (side) elevation) Amendment to the finishes of the facade. Hillfields Welton Road Barby CV23 8TG



Full refurbishment and the conversion and subsequent incorporation of the connecting brick and stone outbuildings to form a single dwelling and the proposed partial demolition of the modern outbuildings. Barby Wood Farm House Onley Lane Barby CV23 8UT. 



Proposal: Proposed detached annexe. Location: 3 Star Corner Barby CV23 8UD

It was RESOLVED to object to this application for the following reasons:
1) It is unclear what type of application has been submitted - a full planning application or a householder application. The letter to neighbours states that it is a householder application.

2) The proposed development is not an annexe.

3) It is contrary to policy GP1 of the Barby & Onley Neighbourhood Development Plan which states that 'All new development will be expected to enhance the positive attributes of the villages and local design features. Development will not be permitted where it has a detrimental impact on the character of the area in which it is located.' This policy also states that there should be adequate onsite parking which this proposed development does not have. Three parking spaces are needed for this size of development.

4) It is contrary to policy D1 of the Barby and Onley Neighbourhood Development Plan due to the density of the proposed development and the effect on the street scene. The proposed development is too close to the neighbouring property. 5) The quota for self builds in the parish has been exceeded.

6) This should be dealt with a new separate full planning application not an annexe.

Amendment Details: Description changed from new annexe to new dwelling house and revised plan with new house set further back into site (as per officers advice). 

Decision: Approved 24th May 2024




Notification of Tree Work at 29 Kilsby Road, Barby CV23 8TU. Intended tree work includes: T1 London Plane, Crown Lift to 6M, (current height is 24M), prune back from property on west side of crown: Noted.

Decision: Approved 19th February 2024 



Danetre Farm Nortoft Lane Barby CV23 8TU: Removal of condition 3 [The manege be limited to personal use by the occupiers of Danetre Farm and not be opened up for commercial use] to application WND/2022/0146 [Construction of manage with 6 no. lights and post and rail fencing]

It was RESOLVED to object to this application for the same reasons as the related planning application. It was also queried whether this was a duplicate and agreed this should be raised. 

Decision: Invalid 10th January 2024 




Proposal: Construction of 4 No. new 2-Bed two-storey dwellings to be used as short term accommodation for guests using the Onley Equestrian Centre

Location: Onley Grounds Equestrian Complex Limited Onley Grounds Farm London Road Barby CV23 8AJ.

It was RESOLVED to object to this application as it was contrary to the Neighbourhood Development Plan. It was also contrary to Local plan as building in open countryside. BOH2 – building on the open countryside. 

Approved 20th March 2024



 Proposal:  Proposed demolition of existing agricultural building, creation of  additional earth bunds and associated green infrastructure, widening of existing vehicular access and provision of temporary vehicular access during construction period off Barby Lane

 Location:  Cadman Sporting Barby Lane Barby West Northamptonshire CV23



 It was RESOLVED to object to this application. 

To read a copy of the objection letter click here. 

 To read an announcement from the Parish Council click here

To comment on the application click here 

Decision awaited from West Northamptonshire Council.




51 Brackendale Drive Barby West Northamptonshire CV23 8TJ

Approved 6th September 2023



Restoration of property frontage, reinstatement of painted timber front door, canopy and flush casement window to original positions and sizes. Installation of replacement painted timber flush casement windows to first floor front. Alterations to existing porch. Alteration to first floor side windows

19 Kilsby Road, Barby, CV23 8TU 

 Approved 6th September 2023



Change of use of land to equestrian purposes including the erection of three stables, tack room, associated hardstanding and all weather ménage 

Land at Barby Lane Barby West Northamptonshire CV23 8UX

It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council had no objection to this application assuming that it is for personal use, not business use. 

Approved: 17th November 2023 



Condition 5 of DA/2019/1015 [Barby Evaluation Report] Application for approval of details submitted pursuant to Condition 5 of planning permission DA/2019/1015 [Construction of dwelling]

Land Adj Bridle Lodge Rugby Road Barby Northamptonshire CV23 8UB

Approved 9th October 2023



Condition 8 of DA/2019/1015 [Protection Fences and Example Signage] Application for approval of details submitted pursuant to Condition 8 of planning permission DA/2019/1015 [Construction of dwelling]

Land Adj Bridle Lodge Rugby Road Barby Northamptonshire CV23 8UB

Approved 31st October 2023




Proposed side and rear extension to dwelling. Northfield House 2 Kilsby Road Barby CV23 8TT.

It was RESOLVED that there was no objection to this application. 

Decision: Approved 2nd October 2024



Lawful development certificate (proposed) for the creation of an agricultural way. Land to the northwest of Longdown Lane, Barby CV23 8TG



Erection of workshop: Hm Young Offenders Institution Onley, Onley Park, Barby CV23 8AP: Lawful Development Certificate (Proposed).

This application which the Parish Council had not been consulted on was noted and it was agreed to query the location of the proposal and the type of application. 

Decision: Approved 15th July 2024 


Discharge of Condition 13 [Archaeology] of Planning Permission WND/2022/0243 [Construction of a solar farm to generate up to 13MW of energy, comprising of ground mounted solar panels, internal access tracks, and other associated infrastructure including DNO sub-station, control house, transformers, fencing, CCTV and landscaping works]. Land off Rugby Road Kilsby CV21 4PN




The full refurbishment of Barby Wood Farmhouse and the conversion and subsequent incorporation of the connecting brick and stone outbuildings to form a single dwelling and the proposed partial demolition of the modern outbuildings: Barby Wood Farm, Onley Lane, Barby, CV23 8UT

It was RESOLVED that there was no objection to this application.

Proposed removal of vehicular rights and vehicular, cycle and equestrian rights from unclassified road leading to Barby Wood Farm, Barby, Northamptonshire: This application was reconsidered following confirmation from WNC regarding the proposal.

It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council objected to the proposed plan due to the removal of the bridleway. It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council would agree if the route labelled B-C on the proposed plan remained as a bridleway.



Proposal: Outline planning permission with all matters reserved, aside from access, for the redevelopment of the existing site for the erection of 1 no. self-build dwelling.

Location: 27 Brackendale Drive Barby CV23 8TJ

It was RESOLVED to object to this application as it is contrary to the Neighbourhood Development Plan; it is outside of the village boundary for infill; and there are highways concerns.

Refused: 30th January 2024 




Proposal: Variation of condition 3 of planning permission WND/2022/0146 for the construction of menage to allow use other than personal.

Location: Danetre Farm Nortoft Lane Barby CV23 8TU

It was RESOLVED to object to this application. The Parish Council wanted to maintain its objection stated at the time of the original application to any use other than personal use due to concerns regarding highways access.

Approved: 18th January 2024



Proposal: Non-Material Amendment to WND/2022/0397 [Change of use of agricultural building to offices (Class E) including removing existing asbestos and metal cladding, replacement roof with black metal roof and cladding with black timber cladding, installation of windows and doors (revised scheme)]. To change the black timber cladding to black metal cladding.

Location: Ashtree Farm Kilsby Road Barby CV23 8TU

Approved 15th December 2023 









It was RESOLVED that there was nothing to add to the Parish Council’s existing objection in relation to this application, which was to be considered by the Planning Inspectorate.


Bergbyr (Land Adj Bridle Lodge), Rugby Road, Barby, Northamptonshire

Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission DA/2019/1015 (Construction of dwelling) to allow alterations to internal layout and basement level:

Location: Bergbyr (Land Adj Bridle Lodge), Rugby Road, Barby, Northamptonshire

It was RESOLVED that there were no comments or objection to this planning application

Approved 21st July 2023 



Attached Garage3

Star Corner Barby West Northamptonshire CV23 8UD.

It was RESOLVED that there was no objection to this application. 

Approved 21st June 2023



Toad Hall 44, Kilsby Road, Barby, Northamptonshire, CV23 8TU

New dormer window, cladding of existing gable and extension of canopy all on the front elevation

It was RESOLVED that there was no objection to this application.  

Approved 25th May 2023 


Barby Moorings, Barby Lane, Barby, Northamptonshire, CV23 8UJ

Extension to workshop building (retrospective).

It was RESOLVED not to object to this planning application but to query it being a retrospective application and the avoidance of paying CIL money.

Approved 28th April 2023


Land Opposite The Wharf (Normans Bridge), Barby Lane, Barby, Northamptonshire, CV23 8UX

Lawful Development Certificate (Existing) - Use of land and buildings for tree surgery and forestry operations (timber processing and deliveries) including woodyard, secure storage, kilns.

It was RESOLVED that there were no comments or objection to this planning application.  

Approved 21st June 2023


3, Star Corner, Barby, Northamptonshire, CV23 8UD

Construction of attached garage

It was RESOLVED that there was no objection to this application.

Approved 3rd February 2023


Building To North West Of Longdown Lane, Barby, Northamptonshire

Conversion of agricultural building to dwelling and change of use of curtilage to residential.

It was RESOLVED to object to this application and to ask WNC Councillor Humphreys to request it be decided by the planning committee.


The following reasons were agreed for the objection:
1. The development of this site is contrary to BO-H1 of the neighbourhood plan as it is not an infill site and is outside the settlement boundary. The development of the site is also contrary to B0-H1 as it is not a complete scheme and is not the first stage of a larger development;
2. The development of this site is contrary to BO-H2 of the neighbourhood plan as it is an isolated development in the open countryside, which is not permitted. The applicant claims they meet the exemptions for this but these are not valid;
3. The location of this development poses a serious risk to road safety. It is contrary to BO-GP1 of the neighbourhood plan which requires that any development “(d) Ensures safe and efficient operation of the existing transport and road infrastructure”. The Parish Council has received representations from members of the public who are concerned about the safety of the roads at this location due to the road width and the dangerous crossroads. They have cited known accidents. The access to the development proposed for residents and building materials will be from an effectively 5-way junction that is already hazardous. The Parish Council has raised concerns regarding the safety of this area of road on many occasions as a large number of accidents have occurred at this junction;
4. The proposed development is contrary to BO-D1 of the neighbourhood plan which requires good quality design. This proposed development is not of good quality and does not maintain the special character of existing residential properties;
5. The proposed development is contrary to BO-D2 of the neighbourhood plan which requires that local habitat is preserved. There is no evidence provided by the applicant in relation to the preservation of the natural habitat;
6. The only option for parking more than two vehicles would be on a public footpath (EC6) which is well used by local people;
7. The previous application, WNDPD/2022/0041, for the development of this site was made as a change of use of an agricultural building to one dwelling under Class Q. The application was refused and one of the reasons for refusal was that no structural survey had been included. The current proposal is very similar to the previous planning application, proposing the same size building/structure with two bedrooms rather than one bedroom but again no structural survey has been included.

The Parish Council has noted that the applicant has sought to increase the property from a one bedroom to a two bedroom development and seeks to use the Housing Needs Survey of 2019 to justify building in open countryside. The Parish Council would again question the validity of the Housing Needs Survey 2019.

Refused 22nd May 2023


Land To Rear Of 31, Kilsby Road, Barby, Northamptonshire, CV23 8TU

Reserved matters application (appearance, landscaping and scale) for construction of dwelling (access from Almond Close).

It was RESOLVED to object to this application for the following reasons:
1. The application is contrary to Barby and Onley Neighbourhood Plan and in particular the following policies: BOD2; BO91; BOGP1; BOH1; BO93; and BOD3.
2. The new plan differs from the outline application in size, rotation and boundary. There was also no dormer at the back of the property on the original plan.
3. The applicant has not provided the detail requested by the planning officer in the original decision regarding the outline planning application.
4. The Parish Council previously requested that the Housing Needs Survey 2019, which is referred to in this application, be reviewed as the data gathered was not reliable. As stated in that letter: “Only 84 households out of 561 completed the survey and only 22 out of the 84 people who completed the survey want alternative housing, so we do not feel that the report is representative of the views of the parish in any way.”
5. There is not sufficient space between the proposed property and the boundary of the neighbouring property. The Parish Council has been advised that the north wall of the proposed dwelling is only 30cm from the red boundary on the plan and there is an area where it overlaps the boundary.
6. The proposed polar white render of the property is not in keeping with the appearance of the existing properties.
7. The size and elevation of the property will have an overbearing impact on properties in both Almond Close and when viewed from Kilsby Road. There is insufficient information as to the elevations.
8. There is inadequate parking for this size of property.

It was RESOLVED to request that this application be referred to the WNC planning committee to be decided and to ask Cllr Humphreys to support this request.  

At a meeting on 13th March it was RESOLVED to object to this application and to ask that it be decided by the planning committee. A list of reasons and neighbourhood plan policies it contradicted were agreed.

Decision awaited from West Northamptonshire Council 

To be discussed at the Planning Committee of West Northamptonshire Council 

Approved 12th May 2023 


Barby Moorings, Barby Lane, Barby, Northamptonshire, CV23 8UJ

Lawful development certificate (existing) comprising a workshop building

Approved 13th January 2023

WND/2022/0899 (Retrospective)

 Holly Lodge 19, Daventry Road, Barby, Northamptonshire, CV23 8TP

Alterations to an existing outbuilding, retention of a pergola partially attached to a further means of enclosure close to the eastern boundary

It was RESOLVED not to object to this application.  

Approved 13th January 2023


78 Onley Park, Barby, CV23 8AW

Lawful development certificate (proposed) construction of side extension and alterations to front porch. 

Approved 14th December 2022


2, Onley Park, Barby, Northamptonshire, CV23 8AN

Prior approval for a single storey rear extension 4m from original dwelling and 4m maximum height

It was RESOLVED that there was no objection to this application.

Approved 15th September 2022


Land off Rugby Road, Kilsby, Northamptonshire

Construction of a solar farm to generate up to 13MW of energy, comprising of ground mounted solar panels, internal access tracks, and other associated infrastructure including DNO sub-station, control house, transformers, fencing, CCTV and landscaping works

It was RESOLVED that there was no objection to this application but the parish council wished to submit the same comments raised previously on similar applications as to the suitability of agricultural sites. It was suggested that this should be looked at when reviewing the neighbourhood plan.

Amended application to be discussed on 14th November 2022

It was RESOLVED not to object to this application but to comment on the visual impact on the landscape and concerns regarding traffic. It was also agreed that the Clerk would ask if this development would result in a reduction of power costs for the parish.

Approved 12th April 2023


25, Ware Road, Barby, Northamptonshire, CV23 8UE

Replacement and enlargement of rear dormer and conversion of conservatory to garden room

The Parish Council OBJECT to this part retrospective application as it is over-bearing in size and reduces the amenity of neighbouring properties.

Approved 14th March 2022


Land To Rear Of 25B, Daventry Road, Barby, Northamptonshire, CV23 8TP

Construction of 3 dwellings and associated works (access from Balding Close) (revised scheme)

The Parish Council objects to this application since the site is on higher ground than the surrounding properties meaning that the height of the proposed dwellings will be intrusive and reduce the amenity of neighbouring properties.
The location of the proposed house No 3 in particular is very close to the boundary of 1 Balding Close which will seriously reduce the amenity for the residents by overshadowing due to the height differential of the gardens.  

Amended scheme to be discussed  13th June 2022

The Parish Council wished to re-iterate their previous comments on this application and would like clarification on the listed wall. 

Application withdrawn 14th August 2023


Barby Sporting Club, Barby Lane, Barby, Northamptonshire, CV23 8UX

Proposed extensions to and remodelling of the existing clubhouse; alterations to the existing car park and provision of additional car parking to the north of the clubhouse; demolition of existing agricultural building and construction of additional earth bunds to the east of the existing bunds with associated landscaping and other ancillary works including shooting shelters and 4.5m high towers. Shooting operations only to be during the following hours and days; Monday, 0900-1800hrs, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 0900-1800hrs; Wednesday and Friday:0900-2100hrs; and no Sundays.

The Parish Council had received 4 emails in support of the application, and 25 emails of objection and 17 members of the public attended the meeting to voice their concerns about the application.

As a statutory consultee the Parish Council resolved to object to this planning application. Although the Council had no objection to the extension of the existing clubhouse, they object strongly to any extension to shooting hours and object strongly to any further bunding. A letter of objection to be submitted the planning officer.

Letter of objection to West Northamptonshire Council 

Decision awaited from West Northamptonshire Council


Land At Manor Works, Barby Lane, Barby, Northamptonshire

Reserved matters application (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for construction of two industrial buildings. 

The Parish Council had no objection to this application but wished to see renewable energy systems used on the units.

Approved 9th June 2022


12, Ware Orchard, Barby, Northamptonshire, CV23 8UF

Render external walls and construction of carport and first flor side extension

The amended application to be discussed on 14th February.  Amended to show render applied to the whole house. 
Barby & Onley Parish Council has no objection to the original application or to the amended application.

Approved 3rd March 2022


Land Off Barby Road, Kilsby, Northamptonshire

Outline application for construction of up to 44 dwellings with associated landscaping, open space, drainage infrastructure and associated works (all matters reserved except access from Barby Road).

Although Barby & Onley PC are not consultees on this application, they may feel it will have an impact on the village of Barby and therefore wish to make comment.

Barby & Onley Parish Council wished to object to this application since it is outside Kilsby parish development envelope and contrary to their Neighbourhood Plan. It will compromise an intervillage footpath. Additional traffic will put undue pressure on the road networks in the area. The access onto the site is onto a minor road with poor visibility. The Parish object in principle to housing developments being built outside a parish boundary without sufficient infrastructure being put in place to support them.

Decision awaited from West Northamptonshire Council