St Mary’s Church, Barby

St Mary’s Church is part of the benefice of Barby and Kilsby. It is part of the Daventry Team Ministry and is in the Diocese of Peterborough.

Stained Glass windowThe church dates from Saxon times and stands at the centre of the village as it has done for centuries. The present building dates from the medieval period and has seen a number of changes and renovations over the years. In the late 19th century an extensive restoration was carried out under the auspices of the Rector the Rev. Mitchison, and most recently (in 2010) the exterior stonework was repointed and many stones replaced. The village community responded magnificently to the appeal “ Save Our Stones” and more than £100,000 was raised in a year.

At the time of the Victorian restoration new stained glass windows were put in; most of these were made by Charles Kempe, a renowned exponent of the time. To download a short history and points of interest in St Mary's Church click here.

The church holds events throughout the year to which we welcome all villagers and those from further afield. 

Special services include a Carol Service on Christmas Eve and a school leavers service to which all the school comes. In addition we hold the usual Harvest Festival and Remembrance Day services.

To view St Mary's Church, Barby then see the Google Street View Tour below or at

World War 1 names in stained glass

Altar and Victorian Reredos





Poppies to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the end of the First World War



Jubilee Bell 

There is a ring of five bells.  Prior to Covid-19 the team rang at the 10.00am services and on special occasions. Practice night was Monday at 7.15pm. A fifth bell, known as the Jubilee Bell, was installed in 2002, to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee. The money for the bell was raised by events organised by the bellringers and donations from villagers.
For further information download more photos of the bells.

St Mary's group of enthusiastic amateur flower arrangers make sure that there are always fresh flowers displayed in the church throughout the year.
For weddings and other special occasions they enjoy the challenge of decorating the whole church. If anyone is having a celebration in the church the "flower ladies" are available, at a realistic cost, to provide a glorious floral display. Please contact Hazel Parsons (01788 890178), Jeanette Massie (01788 891472) or Pat Webb (01788 890800).

New Servery October 2020



The old non-connected sink and kitchen cupboards have been replaced by a new oak servery (designed, built and installed by James Archer).  Mains water has now been connected.  Funding for this project has been raised by Barby Church Trust (Taps & Toilet Fund) . 

It is proposed that a toilet will be installed in due course.  



St Mary’s has a small choir and welcomes new singers. The choir has sung in concerts and at the Diocesan choral festival.

List of Rectors since 1230

Safeguarding Statement

On behalf of the Church Community, the PCC has adopted the SAFER Church Policy and Procedure for the safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults.
We are committed to providing a Safer environment and culture:
  • Safely recruiting and supporting those who have responsibility for the care of the young and vulnerable.
  • Responding promptly to any concerns or allegations relating to Safeguarding.
  • Caring pastorally for any person affected by abuse or allegation.
  • Caring pastorally for those who are, or have been subjected to concerns or allegations of abuse, including others affected as a result.
  • We will seek to challenge anyone in a position of power who seeks to abuse their position and present a risk to others.
For more information please download the Church & Diocese Safeguarding Policy.

Church Safeguarding Officer: Charlotte Saunders. 07729 722 453
Diocesan Safety Advisor: or or call 01733 887000

Barby Church Trust

Barby Church Trust was created in 1979 and is registered under the Charities Act 1960 (No 277482).  It's objective is to raise funds to help cover major expenditures on the building fabric of St. Mary' Church.St Mary's Church Barby

It is not a religious organisation (although the rector/vicar of the parish is always the chairman). It exists to look after the church as a historic building. We do not provide any funds for the day to day running of the church, only things necessary to maintain the fabric of the church in good condition.
In 1996 the stonework of the tower, together with lead and other stonework, was restored. In 2010/11 there was a major appeal (strongly supported by, but separate from the Trust) to finance repairs to the stonework to the rest of the external stonework. Additionally, electric storage radiators were installed in 2000 and in 2013 major electrical repairs and upgrades were carried out. In 2015 repairs to the stone and wooden floors have been undertaken with the most worn parts of the stone flooring and areas of rotten wooden flooring being replaced.  Since 2020 we have provided funds of £12,000 for the kitchen and all installation costs and £7,000 towards the reroofing of the church over the vestry area and £4,000 for the roof over the porch.
To view the latest accounts click here.

Taps and Toilets Club
("100 Club")
Barby Church Trust have started a "100 Club" to raise funds to improve the facilities to serve refreshments in St Mary's Church and also provide a disabled toilet.  The Club is now run on an annual basis and is in its fifth and final year.  Full details are contained in this invitation letter and the full rules can be downloaded hereList of winners.  Contact Chris Smith (Promoter) (01788 890963) or Rob Close (Treasurer) for more information.  

Current Trustees:
Chairman Vacant
Secretary Pat Webb 01788 890800
Treasurer Rob Close 01788 522865
Other Trustees: Ros Atchison, Helen Johnson, Liz Grange, Chris Smith, Bart Springer and Paul Reynolds
If you would like to support the work of the Trust please speak to any of the Trustees.


Reverend Alastair Wood

Tel: 07580 671890


Bart Springer
Tel: 07894 270 243

Church Secretary
Ann Donovan

Tel: 01788 822180

Church Safeguarding Officer
Charlotte Saunders
Tel 07729 722 453

Church & Diocese Safeguarding Policy

Church Address
Kilsby Road,
Barby CV23 8TZ

Follow us on Facebook


All enquiries regarding Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals and the need for Pastoral Care should be made to either the Churchwarden or Church Secretary.

Rev Nigel Fry left the Barby and Kilsby Parishes at the end of April 2023.  A period of "Interregnum" will then start where the responsibility for the Church will rest with the Churchwarden.  The Rural Dean, Stephen Burrows, will then have oversight of the situation.  

Many of our parishioners ‘help out’ in church as sidesmen, readers, choristers and bellringers. There is also a need for help with roles ‘out in the community’ such as visiting the sick, both at home and in hospital and supporting the bereaved. If you would like to know more about any of these roles, then please speak to our Churchwarden Bart Springer.  

Download St Mary's Data Privacy Notice on personal data held by St Mary's PCC. 

Regular Church Services

Weekly services in the Church are now being held at 10.00am every Sunday.   On the 5th Sunday a Joint Service of Holy Communion is held with St Faith's Church, Kilsby.  

Christmas and Easter services along with other special services are advertised in the Village newsletter, Church noticeboard and on this site.